Our Services

» Definition of strategical and financial investors in the country and abroad,

» Sector analysis (market trends, growth opportunities, competitive landscape, etc.),

» Contact with the candidates, short listing, organisation of meetings and visits.

» Setting up a detailed investment strategy,

» Definition of target companies,

» Preparation of investor presentations, information booklet, management presentation and related documents,

» Financial and operational evaluation and reporting,

» Setting up a strategic plan to prepare the company for sale,

» Definition of future trends and their impact on your business; future competitive landscape : market/customers, competitors, new technologies, market trends, regulations, etc.

» Completion of the transaction related to the acquisition/merger and immediate focus on the reorganisation and strategic priorities (100 day plan, management shake up, etc.),

» Implementation of industrial tools and technics for quick recovery, providing immediate return in post M&A process.

» Deep dive in the current management

» Setting up a road map for a family institution

» Definition of family constitution and rules of relationship between family members,

» Definition of the rules of transfer to the younger generation,

» Advising the Holding Companies / Groups with a complexity of different activies to reorganise the entities/product groups for optimisation and synergy creation (service centers, etc.).

» Setting up exit / entry scenarios as per the conditions of market and competition.

» Searching investment opportunities in foreign markets.

» Optimisation of product portfolio for the enterprises with difficulties to analyse cost structure / profitabilty per product, per activity,

» Measures to optimise the profitabily of current business,

» New product strategies.

» Intelligent” plants,
» Optimal procurement/supply chain processes,
» Data transfer, storing, reconciliation, safe digital processes.
» Agile IT and cloud systems,

» Setting up relationship between start ups and ”angel investors”,

» Revaluation of technology investments and acquisitions and exit strategies,

» Creation of advanced tecgnology portfoglio.

» Organisational structure analysis

» Business processes and productivity analysis,

» Analysis of efficiency in decision making,

» Talent and experts analysis

» Digitalisation index

» Revision of business model and strategic plan
» Technical/technological road map
» Setting up MIS (Management Incentive System)
» Innovation and R&D Support- Setting Up R&D and Design Centers,
» Institutional memory creation

» Li-ion battery and charge infrastructure,

» Embeded software,

» Connectivity & artifical intelligence,

» Autonomous driving

» V2X communication

Who We Are

Kios Partners is the name of a enterprise, whose founders lived in Bursa and/or Gemlik for long years.

The founders, who worked at the same company or for the same projects during those years, collected great experiences and success in different domains, and later on came together for the same purpose. And now, they aim to be together like Kios, which is still continuing since 600 B.C.

The meaning of Kios is good, beautiful, holy and blessed in Luwi language and these definitions refer to Mother Goddess.

The purpose of the founders of Kios Partners is to make the investments sustainable and create values, establishing cooperations and reviewing the investments with a target to achieve the best possible interest for the parties.